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FLAMEX offers a number of different models of IR detectors to address a broad range of applications. We will consider a number of factors in selecting the specific model of detector that is appropriate for your application(s).
YMX 5000 Detector Series

The YMX 5000 Detector series represents a technologically advanced generation of infrared spark and flame sensors for industrial applications. An industry exclusive self-monitoring optics feature provides “through the lens” testing for each detector in real time. The user is immediately alerted of a reduction of detector capability caused by damage or lens contamination. The photo transducers in each detector are coated in an infrared filter material. This reduces the level of extraneous light causing false positive activations. The lens made of an extremely durable and corrosion resistant sapphire material minimizes wear. Wiring requirements are minimized by the design configuration allowing up to three remote sensors to connect to a Control Unit. The Control Unit offers a retrievable lifetime memory function. The memory function provides external LEDs to indicate the status of each detector.
YMX 5000 Spark Detectors are suitable for installation in an wide range of operational temperatures. Each detector is protected by a robust stainless steel housing and utilizes a field removable lens. Easy and secure mounting facilitates installation and maintenance inspections. EX versions for Class 2 Division 1 hazardous areas are available for all models.
YMX 5000 FUX Spark Detector
Suitable for use in dark enclosed areas such as ductwork and drop chutes where ambient light is normally not present. Detects IR in the .78 to 1.2 micron range. Can be installed in applications where the operational temperatures fall between -40 Degrees F and +221 degree F. High Temperature models available for operational temperatures up to 662 Degrees F.

YMX 5000 FUX DL and DLS Detectors
These IR detectors sense infrared in the mid-IR range making them suitable in applications where some ambient light is present. They also can sense IR with lower temperatures than the standard spark detector and therefore are sometimes referred to as “Hot Particle” detectors. Common applications include drop chutes, conveyors and certain ductwork installations.

YMX LSP Air Purge Mounting Attachment
In particularly difficult detection applications where material obscuration of the lens is a problem, the detector can be equipped with an air purge fitting which allows clean compressed air to be blown across the lens to prevent material accumulation.

FMX 5000 IR3 Detector and YMX 5000 FMX Flame Detector
These Flame detectors are commonly referred to as a “triple IR” detectors because they offer a 3 channel IR analysis in the 2.0-6.0 micron range. They are designed to detect open flames that can be caused by combustion of solid or liquid materials. They are impervious to false alarm sources such as flashing lights and welding. Both have an optical integrity feature that notifies the user if the lens becomes dirty or obscured. The YMX version is particularly suited for areas with restricted installation space.

FUX 3200 Flame Detector
This IR Flame detector utilizes a fiber optic probe to isolate the detector electronics from the protected area allowing it to be used in high temperature applications. It is used in areas where some ambient light is present and utilizes a lens monitoring feature to notify the user of any accumulations of oil or foreign particulate that might possibly compromise the detection capability of the sensor. Typical applications include ovens, presses, machine tools, paint spray robots and motor test cells.

WMX 5000 Heat Detector
This heat detector is a sophisticated thermal sensor that will alarm when a pre-set fixed temperature is exceeded and when an abnormal rate of heat rise is detected. It has the advantage of being able to be re-programmed in the field and thus offers a large degree of flexibility in many applications. The heat detector offers a data archive feature that can be used to record a history of temperatures and functional activity. The unit can be provided with an LCD temperature display if desired.

Smoke Detectors
FLAMEX offers several models of industrial smoke detectors including Photoelectric, Ionization, Air sampling and Duct Smoke Detectors. The specific model to be selected is determined by the application. Some models offer automatic drift compensation and all are designed for industrial use.

GMX Multi-Sensor Fire Gas Detector
This sensor provides early detection of smoldering fires often before conventional detectors can respond. The unit detects the carbon monoxide concentration in the monitored area as well as the ambient temperature. A microcontroller evaluates the temperature, temperature gradient and CO concentration and triggers a fire alarm when detected values reach potentially dangerous levels.
Can be used in harsh industrial environments with heavy pollution or humid conditions.





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